Steam & Air Club
The purpose of the Steam and Air Club is to help pay for the utilities at The Shrine. The club operates as a raffle, which is held each month.

Monthly Drawing
The monthly drawing is held the FIRST SUNDAY of each month after the 11:00 A.M. Mass in the Church Hall. Tickets are sold yearly for $12.00 per year. Once you purchase the tickets your name will be put in the drawing each month. You will be notified to renew at the end of 11 months. You do not need to be present to win. Winners not in attendance will be notified by phone. First place winners receieve $100. Second place winners receieve $50. Third place winners receieve $100.
To join Air & Steam Club, follow the steps below:

Download, Print & Complete the Steam Club Form
Download Steam & Air Club Form
Make out a check to:
Shrine of St. Joseph’s Friends, Inc. $12 per person
Mail Application & Check to: Shrine of St. Joseph’s Friends Inc.
1220 North 11th Street,
St. Louis, MO 63106