Friends of the Shrine

The purpose of the Shrine of St. Joseph’s Friends, Inc. is to restore and preserve the Shrine as a landmark and monument to the religious efforts of preceding generations.

Friends of the Shrine

How to Become a Member

If you wish to become a member please complete the following steps:

Cathedral Background Image

Step 1 Icon

Download, Print & Complete the ApplicationFriends of Shrine Application

Step 2 Icon

Make out a check to: Shrine of St. Joseph’s Friends, Inc. $15 per person
(Annual Dues)

Step 3 Icon

Mail Application & Check to: Shrine of St. Joseph’s Friends Inc.
1220 North 11th Street,
St. Louis, MO 63106

May Our Blessed Savior, His Holy Mother and St. Joseph bless you! All applications for membership are subject to approval by The Board of Directors.

Shrine Operations

How the Shrine of St. Joseph Operates

Overall management is in the hands of a 15-member Board of Directors, which functions through a number of committees. Members of the Board are elected by “Friends” holding “active membership cards” donating at least 3 years of active support of The Shrine.

Operating expenses are met from regular Sunday collections, the annual “Friends” membership fees, donations to the “Air & Steam Club” which meets heat and electric bills, and whatever gifts are received specifying that they be used to defray operating expenses.

Shrine Support

Other Ways to Support the Shrine

Other ways you can support The Shrine are by purchasing Memorial & Mass Cards, joining Steam & Air Club, or Purchasing a DVD or Video.